New: Yoga for all on tuesdays evening (19.15)

On tuesdays evening (7.15 am) Camille teaches Yoga for all in English. This class encourages you to find ways to link breath, movements and spirit through a physical practice with a mindful intention. Sometimes challenging, sometimes more restorative, often a bit of both, always offering variations and crafted with deep attention for the students in the room in mind.

Camille is a neurodivergent queer from france, who has been teaching yoga and meditation for 3 years and practising for longer. They don’t teach a specific style but the base of their knowledge comes from vinyasa and ashtanga, with a focus on accessibility and inclusivity. They believe that yoga is for everyone, in a society where we are always asked to perform, to fit in arbitrary norms, they strive to offer a space to just be, helping people find room to breathe, move and slow down.

Camille’s approach is deeply rooted in care as activism, yoga for all, feminism, queerness, liberation as personal and collective tools to thrive and not just survive under capitalism.

They are influenced by the teachings of Stéphanie Viu-Kessler, Trupteesh Nagaraj Hurikadale, Dianne Bondy and Amber Karnes.

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Outdoor-Yoga mitten in Leipzig

Um voller Energie mit euch durchstarten zu können, haben wir das ELEMENT Outdoor errichtet. Wir freuen uns auf euch!

Der Sommer ist in Leipzig angekommen und die Verbreitungswege von COVID-19 sind besser verstanden. Um voller Energie mit euch durchstarten zu können, haben wir das ELEMENT Outdoor errichtet. Eine 80qm große, vor neugierigen Blicken, Sonne und Regen geschützte Holzplattform auf der wir ansteckungsfrei Yoga praktizieren können. Wir freuen uns auf euch!

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